Meditation – the concept of Self-mastery in the West
Survival and quality of life is depending on our concept of Self-mastery. Every action has its roots in a thought. Therefore since ancient time it is a desire of every Human culture to master the Mind!
A brief chronology of Meditation and Yoga:
With the development of the alphabet in the first Millennium B.C. the Human race encountered the first time in history the concept of Self-mastery in writing – the “Gnothi Sauton” or “know thy-self”. The interest in Self-mastery reached the climax in the Greek culture particularly between the 6th and 4th Century B.C. with a public educational system, scientific studies, and of course Plato’s dialogs and the books of ethics and the soul, by Aristotle.
When Alexander the Great conquered the West-Indian province Bactria, and the valleys of the Indus river in the 4th Century B.C., he and his entourage brought this knowledge and expertise to India. The fusion of the Mediterranean and Indian culture is known as the Gandhara culture and had a tremendous influence on the Indian Maurja dynasty. Ashoka, the 3rd king of the Maurja dynasty promoted public education, the 3rd Buddhist council, and under his reign Buddhism became state religion. He send delegations to Alexandria in Egypt, and for some generations there where an intensive intellectual exchange between Gandhara and Alexandrian spiritual leaders and philosophers.
The first writing in an Indian language on Self-mastery or Yoga is the “Magga Vagga” or “the chapter of the path”, written in Pali shortly before Mahindra, a Buddhist missionary went to Sri Lanka – approximately 240 B.C.
Today Buddhism is the leading spiritual philosophy of Asia.
With the rise of the Roman Empire, Rom became the center of the world and Latin the language of the new world.
In the Koine Greek language the notion for Self-mastery is “Gnothi Sauton” – in the Indian languages Pali and later in classic Sanskrit “Yoga” – in Latin “Meditation”.
Because of the service in the legion the physical and mental demand of the male Roman citizens was very high and Meditation part of the military training. To be able to handle battle stress nearly every legionary was equipped with the “Enchiridion” or Manuel for life (the 12 Meditation papyri of Marcus Aurelius are available in English translation, the Enchiridion just in fragments).
With the fall of the Roman Empire and the rising power of the Catholic Church Meditation and all spiritual activities other than of the Catholic Church where prohibited by death penalty. For the next more than 1000 years the Catholic Church took care of the Human Mind and Soul – till the 17th Century.
With Descartes Expression “Cogito ergo sum” or I am thinking, therefore I am, and further “Sum res cogitans” I am a thinking substance, a new thought-process was initiated – The rise of the European Enlightenment.
While the Western Mind was paralyzed for over 1000 years, the Eastern religion, philosophy, or science of Buddhism (how ever you see it) has a continuous development of over 2000 years. There are many Buddhist spiritual schools, but they are all rooted on the Magga Vagga (written in the 3rd Century B.C.). Today we have the two spiritual thoughts:
The objective one of the West
The subjective one of the East
The Re- NEW Meditation Program is a step-by-step concept for Self-management based on Western and Eastern Meditation practices.
Stage 1: Re-NEW Meditation Basics
This is a very simple and easy to understand step-by-step course in 6 sessions for basic Self-mastery. The course has the content and time flexibility to meet the basic needs for everybody.
As international research stated Meditation can be lectured from kindergarten age on. Therefore the course will be individual tailored to the age and educational standard of the person.
Benefits of this course: the course enables to control Body and Mind and to maintain general good health. Practiced Re-NEW Meditation increases mental and physical strength and flexibility, improves our concentration and agility for the daily work load and blesses us with a refreshing night-sleep.
For the experienced Re-NEW Meditation practitioner advanced Meditation sessions are available.
Stage 2: Mind and mental functions
This course stays within the psychosomatic activities of the Mind. The practitioner will transcendent the first layer of consciousness and become aware of its Self-consciousness.
A journey through the basic Mind-elements opens the door for deeper understanding of the mental aggregations.
The objective of this course is to discover the afflictive functions of ignorance and mental resistance and open this way the door to the higher Self – if you also a Yoga practitioner into Vipassana.